This is a briefing for participation in the Advanced Manufacturing XR Pitch Day on the 13th of April 2022. Companies are invited to prepare a 10 minute pitch (with 5 minutes for questions) to create a Working Pilot XR Solution in response to problem statements developed by our sponsors. These problem statements will relate to training requirements in Advanced Manufacturing industries.
Depending on the number of respondents, companies may be required to present a first round pitch, to determine a shortlist of companies for each problem statement.
The winning businesses will be engaged by our sponsors to create the Working Pilots.
Details on the event, sponsors, pitch requirements and guidelines will be presented in the Pitch Briefing.
Please attend if you are a startup or business who creates XR solutions and can develop a Working Pilot to solve a training challenge.
If you are unable to attend this briefing but would like to apply to pitch, please email to receive a link to the recording of the session.
Free Registration:
If you are experiencing problems with the virtual registration process or with RuntheWorld, please visit here.